Find the answers for the most frequently asked questions below

What is this site?

This is a database of mathematical problems. Please note, it is still under construction. Our aim is to build a comprehensive collection of mathematical probelms for the students of about 11 years and all the way up.

Which subjects are covered?

Almost all :) There are many a subject covered in the Collection. See the tree of categories to see all of them.

What are the sources?

All around the world. Many problems are translation of the East Europaen sources, where the popular maths culture has been developing since early XXth century.

What about the copyrihght?

The problems are free to use for everybody.

I cannot see the solutions?

The solutions are available for professionls in the area. Please drop us a message with a bit of information about you to get necessary user rights on the website.

Who we are?

We are a registered charity We Solve Problems (reg no 1171037), https://wesolveproblems.org.uk/.