Problem #PRU-100472

Problems Set theory and logic Logic and set theory


(a) A traveller decided to stay in the motel. He has no money but he has a golden chain consisting of 7 links (the chain is not closed). The host agreed on one golden link to be the payment for one day of staying. The traveller wants to stay for the next 7 days. What is the smallest number of links he has to disunite to be able to make the payment every day? (Take into account that the host can give the change “in links” if he already got some from the traveller.)

(b) Assume we have a chain consisting of 23 golden links and now the traveller has to spend 23 days in the motel. Is it enough to disunite 2 links to be able to make the daily payments? As before the host can give the change with the links he gets from the traveller.

(c) Consider 24 links and 24 days now. Can we manage to make daily payments after we disunite some 2 links?

Comment: In all questions above after we disunite the chain at some link in general we obtain three parts: the link itself, the left part of the chain and the right of the chain. Note that there might be no left or no right part.)