Problem #WSP-000289

Problems Discrete Mathematics Combinatorics Permutations


Many magicians can perform what is known as the Faro shuffle. Actually there are two kinds of Faro shuffle: the in Faro shuffle and the out Faro shuffle.

Let us assume that the deck has an even number of cards. The first step of the Faro shuffle is to divide the deck into two smaller decks of equal size. One deck consist of the top half of the original deck in their original order. The other deck consists of the bottom half of the original deck in their original order.

The second step of the Faro shuffle is to interweave the two decks, so that each card is above and beneath a card of the opposite deck. This is where the in Faro and the out Faro differ: the in Faro changes the top and bottom cards of the original deck (from before step one) while the out Faro retains the original top and bottom cards.

Show that only 8 out Faro shuffles are needed to return a standard 52 card deck back into its original position.
