
Found: 14

The digits of a 3 digit number \(A\) were written in reverse order and this is the number \(B\). Is it possible to find a value of \(A\) such that the sum of \(A\) and \(B\) has only odd numbers as its digits?

Let \(x\) be a 2 digit number. Let \(A\), \(B\) be the first (tens) and second (units) digits of \(x\), respectively. Suppose \(A\) is twice as large as \(B\). If we add the square of \(A\) to \(x\) then we get the square of a certain whole number. Find the value of \(x\).

Peter recorded an example of an addition on a board, after which he replaced some digits with letters, with the same figures being replaced with the same letters, and different figures with different letters. He did it such that he was left with the sum: \(CROSS + 2011 = START\). Prove that Peter made a mistake.

Four numbers (from 1 to 9) have been used to create two numbers with four-digits each. These two numbers are the maximum and minimum numbers, respectively, possible. The sum of these two numbers is equal to 11990. What could the two numbers be?

To a certain number, we add the sum of its digits and the answer we get is 2014. Give an example of such a number.

The best student in the class, Katie, and the second-best, Mike, tried to find the minimum 5-digit number which consists of different even numbers. Katie found her number correctly, but Mike was mistaken. However, it turned out that the difference between Katie and Mike’s numbers was less than 100. What are Katie and Mike’s numbers?

A three-digit number \(ABB\) is given, the product of the digits of which is a two-digit number \(AC\) and the product of the digits of this number is \(C\) (here, as in mathematical puzzles, the digits in the numbers are replaced by letters where the same letters correspond to the same digits and different letters to different digits). Determine the original number.

Try to find all natural numbers which are five times greater than their last digit.

A girl chose a 4-letter word and replaced each letter with the corresponding number in the alphabet. The number turned out to be 2091425. What word did she choose?

One three-digit number consists of different digits that are in ascending order, and in its name all words begin with the same letter. The other three-digit number, on the contrary, consists of identical digits, but in its name all words begin with different letters. What are these numbers?