
Found: 303

David Smith cut out 12 nets. He claimed that it was possible to make a cube out of each net. Roger Penrosae looked at the patterns, and after some considerable thought decided that he was able to make cubes from all the nets except one. Can you figure out which net cannot make a cube?


It is known that it is possible to cover the plane with any cube’s net. Show how you can cover the plane with nets below:




In how many ways can you rearrange the numbers 1, 2, ..., 100 so the neighbouring numbers differ by not more than 1?

A strange wonderland creature is called a painting chameleon. If the queen puts the painting chameleon on a chess-like board then he moves one square at a time along the board either horizontally or vertically. When he moves, he either changes his colour to the colour of the square he moves to, or he paints the square he moves to into his own colour. The queen puts a white painting chameleon on an all-black board \(8\times8\) and orders the chameleon to paint the board into a chessboard. Can he succeed?

Remove a \(1 \times 1\) square from the corner of a \(4 \times 4\) square. Can this shape be dissected into \(3\) congruent parts?

A big square was cut into smaller squares. Sebastian used all the pieces and constructed two squares with different side lengths by glueing the pieces together. Show an example of how he could do that.