
Found: 49

Show that \(\frac{x}{y} + {\frac{y}{z}} + {\frac{z}{x}} = 1\) is not solvable in natural numbers.

A resident of one foreign intelligence agency informed the centre about the forthcoming signing of a number of bilateral agreements between the fifteen former republics of the USSR. According to his report, each of them will conclude an agreement exactly with three others. Should this resident be trusted?

In Mongolia there are in circulation coins of 3 and 5 tugriks. An entrance ticket to the central park costs 4 tugriks. One day before the opening of the park, a line of 200 visitors queued up in front of the ticket booth. Each of them, as well as the cashier, has exactly 22 tugriks. Prove that all of the visitors will be able to buy a ticket in the order of the queue.

There are two numbers \(x\) and \(y\) being added together. The number \(x\) is less than the sum \(x+y\) by 2000. The sum \(x+y\) is bigger than \(y\) by 6. What are the values of \(x\) and \(y\)?

Replace \(a, b\) and \(c\) with integers not equal to \(1\) in the equality \((ay^b)^c = - 64y^6\), so it would become an identity.

The board has the form of a cross, which is obtained if corner boxes of a square board of \(4 \times 4\) are erased. Is it possible to go around it with the help of the knight chess piece and return to the original cell, having visited all the cells exactly once?

In the Far East, the only type of transport is a carpet-plane. From the capital there are 21 carpet-planes, from the city of Dalny there is one carpet-plane, and from all of the other cities there are 20. Prove that you can fly from the capital to Dalny (possibly with interchanges).