
Found: 57

To each pair of numbers \(x\) and \(y\) some number \(x * y\) is placed in correspondence. Find \(1993 * 1935\) if it is known that for any three numbers \(x, y, z\), the following identities hold: \(x * x = 0\) and \(x * (y * z) = (x * y) + z\).

In the number \(a = 0.12457 \dots\) the \(n\)th digit after the decimal point is equal to the digit to the left of the decimal point in the number. Prove that \(\alpha\) is an irrational number.

With a non-zero number, the following operations are allowed: \(x \rightarrow \frac{1+x}{x}\), \(x \rightarrow \frac{1-x}{x}\). Is it true that from every non-zero rational number one can obtain each rational number with the help of a finite number of such operations?

Find all functions \(f (x)\) defined for all positive \(x\), taking positive values and satisfying the equality \(f (x^y) = f (x)^f (y)\) for any positive \(x\) and \(y\).

The function \(f (x)\) is defined and satisfies the relationship \((x-1) f((x=1)/(x-1)) - f (x) = x\) for all \(x \neq 1\). Find all such functions.

At all rational points of the real line, integers are arranged. Prove that there is a segment such that the sum of the numbers at its ends does not exceed twice the number on its middle.

Find all the functions \(f\colon \mathbb {R} \rightarrow \mathbb {R}\) which satisfy the inequality \(f (x + y) + f (y + z) + f (z + x) \geq 3f (x + 2y + 3z)\) for all \(x, y, z\).

A number set \(M\) contains \(2003\) distinct positive numbers, such that for any three distinct elements \(a, b, c\) in \(M\), the number \(a^2 + bc\) is rational. Prove that we can choose a natural number \(n\) such that for any \(a\) in \(M\) the number \(a\sqrt{n}\) is rational.