
Found: 5

A firm recorded its expenses in pounds for 100 items, creating a list of 100 numbers (with each number having no more than two decimal places). Each accountant took a copy of the list and found an approximate amount of expenses, acting as follows. At first, he arbitrarily chose two numbers from the list, added them, discarded the sum after the decimal point (if there was anything) and recorded the result instead of the selected two numbers. With the resulting list of 99 numbers, he did the same, and so on, until there was one whole number left in the list. It turned out that in the end all the accountants ended up with different results. What is the largest number of accountants that could work in the company?

The numbers \(\lfloor a\rfloor, \lfloor 2a\rfloor, \dots , \lfloor Na\rfloor\) are all different, and the numbers \(\lfloor 1/a\rfloor, \lfloor 2/a\rfloor,\dots , \lfloor M/a\rfloor\) are also all different. Find all such \(a\).

Prove that for every natural number \(n > 1\) the equality: \[\lfloor n^{1 / 2}\rfloor + \lfloor n^{1/ 3}\rfloor + \dots + \lfloor n^{1 / n}\rfloor = \lfloor \log_{2}n\rfloor + \lfloor \log_{3}n\rfloor + \dots + \lfloor \log_{n}n\rfloor\] is satisfied.