
Found: 16

Can the equality \(K \times O \times T\) = \(U \times W \times E \times H \times S \times L\) be true if instead of the letters in it we substitute integers from 1 to 9 (different letters correspond to different numbers)?

In the line of numbers and signs \({}* 1 * 2 * 4 * 8 * 16 * 32 * 64 = 27\) position the signs “\(+\)” or “\(-\)” instead of the signs “\(*\)”, so that the equality becomes true.

The code of lock is a two-digit number. Ben forgot the code, but he remembers that the sum of the digits of this number, combined with their product, is equal to the number itself. Write all possible code options so that Ben could open the lock quickly.

The \(KUB\) is a cube. Prove that the ball, \(CIR\), is not a cube. (\(KUB\) and \(CIR\) are three-digit numbers, where different letters denote different numbers).

Can I replace the letters with numbers in the puzzle \(RE \times CTS + 1 = CE \times MS\) so that the correct equality is obtained (different letters need to be replaced by different numbers, and the same letters must correspond to the same digits)?

In the entry \({*} + {*} + {*} + {*} + {*} + {*} + {*} + {*} = {*}{*}\) replace the asterisks with different digits so that the equality is correct.

Replace the letters with numbers (all digits must be different) so that the correct equality is obtained: \(A/ B/ C + D/ E/ F + G/ H/ I = 1\).

In the rebus in the diagram below, the arithmetic operations are carried out from left to right (even though the brackets are not written).

For example, in the first row "\(** \div 5 + * \times 7 = 4*\)" is the same as "\(((** \div 5) +*) \times 7 = 4*\)". Each number in the last row is the sum of the numbers in the column above it. The result of each \(n\)-th row is equal to the sum of the first four numbers in the \(n\)-th column. All of the numbers in this rebus are non-zero and do not begin with a zero, however they could end with a zero. That is, 10 is allowed but not 01 or 0. Solve the rebus.


Decode this rebus: replace the asterisks with numbers such that the equalities in each row are true and such that each number in the bottom row is equal to the sum of the numbers in the column above it.

An entire set of dominoes, except for 0-0, was laid out as shown in the figure. Different letters correspond to different numbers, the same – the same. The sum of the points in each line is 24. Try to restore the numbers.