
Found: 205

In a parallelogram \(ABCD\), point \(E\) belongs to the side \(CD\) and point \(F\) belongs to the side \(BC\). Show that the total red area is the same as the total blue area:

A circle was inscribed in a square, and another square was inscribed in the circle. Which area is larger, the blue or the orange one?

In a square, the midpoints of its sides were marked and some segments were drawn. There is another square formed in the centre. Find its area, if the side of the square has length \(10\).

In a parallelogram \(ABCD\), point \(E\) belongs to the side \(AB\), point \(F\) belongs to the side \(CD\) and point \(G\) belongs to the side \(AD\). What is more, the marked red segments \(AE\) and \(CF\) have equal lengths. Prove that the total grey area is equal to the total black area.

Matt built a simple wooden hut to protect himself from the rain. From the side the hut looks like a right triangle with the right angle at the top. The longer part of the roof has 20 ft and the shorter one has 15 ft. What is the height of the hut in feet?

Think of other shapes Robinson’s goat can graze without a wolf, or with a wolf tied nearby. What if Robinson managed to tame several wolves and used them as guard dogs? Can two tied wolves keep an untied goat in a triangle? Can you think of other shapes you can create with Robinson’s goat and wolves?

A rectangle is made up from six squares. Find side length of the largest square if side length of the smallest square is 1.