
Found: 13

One term a school ran 20 sessions of an after-school Astronomy Club. Exactly five pupils attended each session and no two students encountered one another over all of the sessions more than once. Prove that no fewer than 20 pupils attended the Astronomy Club at some point during the term.

Each of the 1994 deputies in parliament slapped exactly one of his colleagues. Prove that it is possible to draw up a parliamentary commission of 665 people whose members did not clarify the relationship between themselves in the manner indicated above.

The order of books on a shelf is called wrong if no three adjacent books are arranged in order of height (either increasing or decreasing). How many wrong orders is it possible to construct from \(n\) books of different heights, if: a) \(n = 4\); b) \(n = 5\)?

On a line, there are 50 segments. Prove that either it is possible to find some 8 segments all of which have a shared intersection, or there can be found 8 segments, no two of which intersect.

10 people collected a total of 46 mushrooms in a forest. It is known that no two people collected the same number of mushrooms. How many mushrooms did each person collect?

In how many ways can you rearrange the numbers from 1 to 100 so that the neighbouring numbers differ by no more than 1?

Sam and Lena have several chocolates, each weighing not more than 100 grams. No matter how they share these chocolates, one of them will have a total weight of chocolate that does not exceed 100 grams. What is the maximum total weight of all of the chocolates?

On each of four cards there is written a natural number. Take two cards at random and add the numbers on them. With equal probability, this amount can be less than 9, equal to 9 or more 9. What numbers can be written on the cards?