
Found: 8

Each of the 1994 deputies in parliament slapped exactly one of his colleagues. Prove that it is possible to draw up a parliamentary commission of 665 people whose members did not clarify the relationship between themselves in the manner indicated above.

2011 numbers are written on a blackboard. It turns out that the sum of any of these written numbers is also one of the written numbers. What is the minimum number of zeroes within this set of 2011 numbers?

On a line, there are 50 segments. Prove that either it is possible to find some 8 segments all of which have a shared intersection, or there can be found 8 segments, no two of which intersect.

Several pieces of carpet are laid along a corridor. Pieces cover the entire corridor from end to end without omissions and even overlap one another, so that over some parts of the floor lie several layers of carpet. Prove that you can remove a few pieces, perhaps by taking them out from under others and leaving the rest exactly in the same places they used to be, so that the corridor will still be completely covered and the total length of the pieces left will be less than twice the length corridor.