
Found: 2

In a class there are 50 children. Some of the children know all the letters except “h” and they miss this letter out when writing. The rest know all the letters except “c” which they also miss out. One day the teacher asked 10 of the pupils to write the word “cat”, 18 other pupils to write “hat” and the rest to write the word “chat”. The words “cat” and “hat” each ended up being written 15 times. How many of the pupils wrote their word correctly?

a) A square of area 6 contains three polygons, each of area 3. Prove that among them there are two polygons that have an overlap of area no less than 1.

b) A square of area 5 contains nine polygons of area 1. Prove that among them there are two polygons that have an overlap of area no less than \(\frac{1}{9}\).