
Found: 17

The numbers \(p\) and \(q\) are such that the parabolas \(y = - 2x^2\) and \(y = x^2 + px + q\) intersect at two points, bounding a certain figure.

Find the equation of the vertical line dividing the area of this figure in half.

Prove that, if \(b=a-1\), then \[(a+b)(a^2 +b^2)(a^4 +b^4)\dotsb(a^{32} +b^{32})=a^{64} -b^{64}.\]

For a given polynomial \(P (x)\) we describe a method that allows us to construct a polynomial \(R (x)\) that has the same roots as \(P (x)\), but all multiplicities of 1. Set \(Q (x) = (P(x), P'(x))\) and \(R (x) = P (x) Q^{-1} (x)\). Prove that

a) all the roots of the polynomial \(P (x)\) are the roots of \(R (x)\);

b) the polynomial \(R (x)\) has no multiple roots.