
Found: 2

In the magical land of Anchuria there is a drafts championship made up of several rounds. The days and cities in which the rounds are carried out are determined by a draw. According to the rules of the championship, no two rounds can take place in one city, and no two rounds can take place on one day. Among the fans, a lottery is arranged: the main prize is given to those who correctly guess, before the start of the championship, in which cities and on which days all of the round will take place. If no one guesses, then the main prize will go to the organising committee of the championship. In total, there are eight cities in Anchuria, and the championship is only allotted eight days. How many rounds should there be in the championship, so that the organising committee is most likely to receive the main prize?

A sequence consists of 19 ones and 49 zeros, arranged in a random order. We call the maximal subsequence of the same symbols a “group”. For example, in the sequence 110001001111 there are five groups: two ones, then three zeros, then one one, then two zeros and finally four ones. Find the mathematical expectation of the length of the first group.