
Found: 3

On the sides \(AB\), \(BC\) and \(AC\) of the triangle \(ABC\) points \(P\), \(M\) and \(K\) are chosen so that the segments \(AM\), \(BK\) and \(CP\) intersect at one point and \[\vec{AM} + \vec{BK}+\vec{CP} = 0\] Prove that \(P\), \(M\) and \(K\) are the midpoints of the sides of the triangle \(ABC\).

In the acute-angled triangle \(ABC\), the heights \(AA_1\) and \(BB_1\) are drawn. Prove that \(A_1C \times BC = B_1C \times AC\).

Let \(AA_1\) and \(BB_1\) be the heights of the triangle \(ABC\). Prove that the triangles \(A_1B_1C\) and \(ABC\) are similar.