
Found: 7

In order to glaze 15 windows of different shapes and sizes, 15 pieces of glass are prepared exactly for the size of the windows (windows are such that each window should have one glass). The glazier, not knowing that the glass is specifically selected for the size of each window, works like this: he approaches a certain window and sorts out the unused glass until he finds one that is large enough (that is, either an exactly suitable piece or one from which the right size can be cut), if there is no such glass, he goes to the next window, and so on, until he has assessed each window. It is impossible to make glass from several parts. What is the maximum number of windows which can be left unglazed?

There were seven boxes. In some of them, seven more boxes were placed inside (not nested in each other), etc. As a result, there are 10 non-empty boxes. How many boxes are there now in total?

Sam and Lena have several chocolates, each weighing not more than 100 grams. No matter how they share these chocolates, one of them will have a total weight of chocolate that does not exceed 100 grams. What is the maximum total weight of all of the chocolates?

10 children were each given a bowl with 100 pieces of pasta. However, these children did not want to eat and instead started to play. One of the children started to place one piece of pasta into every other child’s bowl. What is the least amount of transfers needed so that everyone has a different number of pieces of pasta in their bowl?

100 children were each given a bowl with 100 pieces of pasta. However, these children did not want to eat and instead started to play. One of the children started to place one piece of her pasta into other children’s bowls (to whomever she wants). What is the least amount of transfers needed so that everyone has a different number of pieces of pasta in their bowl?

A traveller rents a room in an inn for a week and offers the innkeeper a chain of seven silver links as payment – one link per day, with the condition that they will be payed everyday. The innkeeper agrees, with the condition that the traveller can only cut one of the links. How did the traveller manage to pay the innkeeper?

There are 6 locked suitcases and 6 keys for them. It is not known which keys are for which suitcase. What is the smallest number of attempts do you need in order to open all the suitcases? How many attempts would you need if there are 10 suitcases and keys instead of 6?