
Found: 4

Author: I.I. Bogdanov

Peter wants to write down all of the possible sequences of 100 natural numbers, in each of which there is at least one 3, and any two neighbouring terms differ by no more than 1. How many sequences will he have to write out?

Author: I.I. Bogdanov

Peter wants to write down all of the possible sequences of 100 natural numbers, in each of which there is at least one 4 or 5, and any two neighbouring terms differ by no more than 2. How many sequences will he have to write out?

Author: G. Zhukov

The square trinomial \(f (x) = ax^2 + bx + c\) that does not have roots is such that the coefficient \(b\) is rational, and among the numbers \(c\) and \(f (c)\) there is exactly one irrational.

Can the discriminant of the trinomial \(f (x)\) be rational?

At what value of \(k\) is the quantity \(A_k = (19^k + 66^k)/k!\) at its maximum? You are given a number \(x\) that is greater than 1. Is the following inequality necessarily fulfilled \(\lfloor \sqrt{\!\sqrt{x}}\rfloor = \lfloor \sqrt{\!\sqrt{x}}\rfloor\)?