
Found: 4

Of the four inequalities \(2x > 70\), \(x < 100\), \(4x > 25\) and \(x > 5\), two are true and two are false. Find the value of \(x\) if it is known that it is an integer.

Find the largest value of the expression \(a + b + c + d - ab - bc - cd - da\), if each of the numbers \(a\), \(b\), \(c\) and \(d\) belongs to the interval \([0, 1]\).

We can define the absolute value \(|x|\) of any real number \(x\) as follows. \(|x|=x\) if \(x\ge0\) and \(|x|=-x\) if \(x<0\). What are \(|3|\), \(|-4.3|\) and \(|0|\)?

Prove that \(|x|\ge0\).