
Found: 10

Cut the trapezium \(ABCD\) into two parts which you can use to construct a triangle.


Cut the following shape into two equal parts.

Cut the following figure into two equal parts.

Cut the following shape into four equal figures.

Does there exist a quadrilateral which can be cut into six parts with two straight lines?

Cut a square into \(3\) parts which you can use to construct a triangle with angles less than \(90^{\circ}\) and three different sides.

Find all rectangles that can be cut into \(13\) equal squares.

Cut a square into two equal:
1. Triangles.
2. Pentagons
3. Hexagons.

A circular triangle is a triangle in which the sides are arcs of circles. Below is a circular triangle in which the sides are arcs of circles centered at the vertices opposite to the sides.

Draw how Robinson Crusoe should put pegs and ropes to tie his goat in order for the goat to graze grass in the shape of the circular triangle.

Cut this figure into \(4\) identical shapes. (Note: you have to use the entire shape. Rotations and reflections count as identical shapes)