
Found: 3

The following words/sounds are given: look, yar, yell, lean, lease. Determine what will happen if the sounds that make up these words are pronounced in reverse order.

Try to decipher this excerpt from the book “Alice Through the Looking Glass”:

“Zkhq L xvh d zrug,” Kxpswb Gxpswb vdlg, lq udwkhu d vfruqixo wrqh, “lw phdqv mxvw zkdw L fkrrvh lw wr phdq – qhlwkhu pruh qru ohvv”.

The text is encrypted using the Caesar Cipher technique where each letter is replaced with a different letter a fixed number of places down in the alphabet. Note that the capital letters have not been removed from the encryption.

Write a number instead of the space (in letters, not numbers!) to get a true sentence:


(Note that the dash does not count as a letter, i.e. the word twenty-two is made up of 9 letters).