
Found: 5

The point \(A\) is fixed on a circle. Find the locus of the point \(X\) which divides the chords that end at point \(A\) in a \(1:2\) ratio, starting from the point \(A\).

Two circles touch at point \(K\). The line passing through point \(K\) intersects these circles at points \(A\) and \(B\). Prove that the tangents to the circles drawn through points \(A\) and \(B\) are parallel.

Prove that the points symmetric to an arbitrary point relative to the midpoints of the sides of a square are vertices of some square.

The points \(A\) and \(B\) and the line \(l\) are given on a plane. On which trajectory does the intersection point of the medians of the triangles \(ABC\) move, if the point \(C\) moves along the line \(l\)?