
Found: 6

Two expressions are written on the board:

\[1 + 22 + 333 + 4444 + 55555 + 666666 +7777777 + 88888888 + 999999999\] \[9 + 98 + 987 + 9876 + 98765 + 987654 + 9876543 + 98765432 + 987654321\]

Determine which one is greater or whether the numbers are equal.

Bryn calls the date beautiful if all \(6\) digits of the date entry are different. For example: 19.04.23 is a beautiful date, but 19.02.23 and 01.06.23 are not. How many beautiful dates are there in \(2023\)?

The numbers from \(1\) to \(9\) are written in a row. Is it possible to write down the same numbers from \(1\) to \(9\) in a second row beneath the first row so that the sum of the two numbers in each column is an exact square?

On a Halloween night ten children with candy were standing in a row. In total, the girls and boys had equal amounts of candy. Each child gave one candy to each person on their right. After that, the girls had \(25\) more candy than they used to. How many girls are there in the row?

Alex writes natural numbers in a row: \(123456789101112...\) Counting from the beginning, in what places do the digits \(555\) first appear? For example, \(101\) first appears in the 10th, 11th and 12th places.

The distance between two villages equals \(999\) kilometres. When you go from one village to the other, every kilometre you see a sign on the road, saying \(0 \mid 999, \, 1\mid 998, \, 2\mid 997, ..., 999\mid 0\). The signs show the distances to the two villages. Find the number of signs that contain only two different digits. For example, the sign \(0\mid999\) contains only two digits, namely \(0\) and \(9\), whereas the sign \(1\mid998\) contains three digits, namely \(1\), \(8\) and \(9\).