
Found: 4

Given a natural number \(n\) you are allowed to perform two operations: "double up", namely get \(2n\) from \(n\), and "increase by \(1\)", i.e. to get \(n+1\) from \(n\). Find the smallest amount of operations one needs to perform to get the number \(n\) from \(1\).

A set includes weights weighing \(1\) gram, \(2\) grams, \(4\) grams, ... (all powers of the number \(2\)), and in the set some of the weights might be the same. Weights were placed on two cups of the scales so that the scales are in balance. It is known that on the left cup, all weights are different. Prove that there are as many weights on the right cup as there are on the left.

Cut a \(7\times 7\) square into \(9\) rectangles, out of which you can construct any rectangle whose sidelengths are less than \(7\). Show how to construct the rectangles.

There are \(16\) cities in the kingdom. Prove that it is possible to build a system of roads in such a way that one can get from any city to any other without passing through more than one city on the way, and with at most five roads coming out of each city.