
Found: 9

Robinson found a chest with books and instruments after the ship wreck. Not all the books were in readable condition, but some of the books he managed to read. One sentence read “72 chickens cost *619* p”. (The starred digits were not readable). He has not tasted a chicken for quite some time, and it was pleasant to imagine a properly cooked chicken in front of him. He also was able to decipher the cost of one chicken. Can you?

Jack believes that he can place \(99\) integers in a circle such that for each pair of neighbours the ratio between the larger and smaller number is a prime. Can he be right?

Each cell of a \(2 \times 2\) square can be painted either black or white. How many different patterns can be obtained?

In a football team (made up of 11 people), a captain and his deputy need to be chosen. How many ways can this be done?

A six-digit phone number is given. How many seven-digit numbers are there from which one can obtain this six-digit number by deleting one digit?

There is a counter on the chessboard. Two in turn move the counter to an adjacent on one side cell. It is forbidden to put a counter on a cell, which it has already visited. The one who can not make the next turn loses. Who wins with the right strategy?

The city plan is a rectangle of \(5 \times 10\) cells. On the streets, a one-way traffic system is introduced: it is allowed to go only to the right and upwards. How many different routes lead from the bottom left corner to the upper right?

This problem is from Ancient Rome.

A rich senator died, leaving his wife pregnant. After the senator’s death it was found out that he left a property of 210 talents (an Ancient Roman currency) in his will as follows: “In the case of the birth of a son, give the boy two thirds of my property (i.e. 140 talents) and the other third (i.e. 70 talents) to the mother. In the case of the birth of a daughter, give the girl one third of my property (i.e. 70 talents) and the other two thirds (i.e. 140 talents) to the mother.”

The senator’s widow gave birth to twins: one boy and one girl. This possibility was not foreseen by the late senator. How can the property be divided between three inheritors so that it is as close as possible to the instructions of the will?