
Found: 30

Robinson found a chest with books and instruments after the ship wreck. Not all the books were in readable condition, but some of the books he managed to read. One sentence read “72 chickens cost *619* p”. (The starred digits were not readable). He has not tasted a chicken for quite some time, and it was pleasant to imagine a properly cooked chicken in front of him. He also was able to decipher the cost of one chicken. Can you?

Jack believes that he can place \(99\) integers in a circle such that for each pair of neighbours the ratio between the larger and smaller number is a prime. Can he be right?

A pedestrian walked along six streets of one city, passing each street exactly twice, but could not get around them, having passed each one only once. Could this be?

Each cell of a \(2 \times 2\) square can be painted either black or white. How many different patterns can be obtained?

How many ways can Rob fill in one card in the “Sport Forecast” lottery? (In this lottery, you need to predict the outcomes of thirteen sports matches. The result of each match is the victory of one of the teams or a draw, and the scores do not play a role).

In a football team (made up of 11 people), a captain and his deputy need to be chosen. How many ways can this be done?

There are five books on a shelf. In how many ways can the books be arranged in a stack. (Stacks may consist of any number of books)?

\(N\) young men and \(N\) young ladies gathered on the dance floor. How many ways can they split into pairs in order to participate in the next dance?

Between the nine planets of the solar system, a cosmic messaging system is introduced. Rockets fly along the following routes: Earth – Mercury, Pluto – Venus, Earth – Pluto, Pluto – Mercury, Mercury – Venus, Uranus – Neptune, Neptune – Saturn, Saturn – Jupiter, Jupiter – Mars and Mars – Uranus. Is it possible to get from Earth to Mars?