
Found: 547

What word is encrypted: 22212221265121? Each letter is replaced by its number in the English alphabet.

In one move, it is permitted to either double a number or to erase its last digit. Is it possible to get the number 14 from the number 458 in a few moves?

Can the following equality be true: \[K \times O \times T = A \times B \times C \times D \times E \times F\] if you substitute the letters with the numbers from 1 to 9? Different letters correspond to different numbers.

An entire set of dominoes, except for 0-0, was laid out as shown in the figure. Different letters correspond to different numbers, the same – the same. The sum of the points in each line is 24. Try to restore the numbers.

Before you is a lock “with a secret” (see the picture).

If you put the arrows on the desired letters, you will get the keyword and the lock will open. What is this word?

From a set of weights with masses 1, 2, ..., 101 g, a weight of 19 grams was lost. Can the remaining 100 weights be divided into two piles of 50 weights each in such a way that the masses of both piles are the same?

Jack and Ben had a bicycle on which they went to a neighborhood village. They rode it in turns, but whenever one rode, the other walked and did not run. They managed to arrive in the village at the same time and almost twice as fast than if they had both walked. How did they do it?

Three tourists must move from one bank of the river to another. At their disposal is an old boat, which can withstand a load of only 100 kg. The weight of one of the tourists is 45 kg, the second – 50 kg, the third – 80 kg. How should they act to move to the other side?

Try to decipher this excerpt from the book “Alice Through the Looking Glass”:

“Zkhq L xvh d zrug,” Kxpswb Gxpswb vdlg, lq udwkhu d vfruqixo wrqh, “lw phdqv mxvw zkdw L fkrrvh lw wr phdq – qhlwkhu pruh qru ohvv”.

The text is encrypted using the Caesar Cipher technique where each letter is replaced with a different letter a fixed number of places down in the alphabet. Note that the capital letters have not been removed from the encryption.