
Found: 2

A candle that burns out completely in one hour costs \(60\) pence and a candle that lasts for \(11\) minutes costs \(11\) pence. For some reasons which he doesn’t want to explain to the seller, Mr. Fawkes wants to measure exactly \(1\) minute with some of these candles. Can he manage to do that if he has only \(1\) pound and \(50\) pence to spend on the candles?
Mr. Fawkes can only measure the whole interval with each of the candles. He is not guaranteed that any of the candles burns uniformly, so he cannot divide it into two parts. He cannot make it burn faster by igniting them from both ends, but he can extinguish a candle and light it up again later.

We wish to paint the \(15\) segments in the picture below in three colours. We want it such that no two segments of the same colour have a common end. For example, you cannot have both \(AB\) and \(BC\) blue since they share the end \(B\). Is such a painting possible?
