
Found: 10

There are eight points inside a circle of radius 1. Show that there are at least two points with distance between them less then 1.

Leo’s dad was making a pizza for lunch. He decided to place 7 pieces of pineapple on it. Assuming the pizza is a circle of a \(20\) cm radius, show that some two pieces of pineapple were placed closer than \(20\) cm apart.

Each point on a circle was painted red or green. Show that there is an isosceles triangle whose vertices are on the circumference of the circle, such that all three vertices are red or all three are green.

Anna has a garden shaped like an equilateral triangle of side \(8\) metres. She wants to plant \(17\) plants, but they need space – they need to be at least \(2\) metres apart in order for their roots to have access to all the microelements in the ground. Show that Anna’s garden is unfortunately too small.

There are 25 points on a plane, and among any three of them there can be found two points with a distance between them of less than 1. Prove that there is a circle of radius 1 containing at least 13 of these points.

The point \(O\), lying inside the triangle \(ABC\), is connected by segments with the vertices of the triangle. Prove that the variance of the set of angles \(AOB\), \(AOC\) and \(BOC\) is less than a) \(10\pi ^2/27\); b) \(2\pi ^2/9\).

Three cyclists travel in one direction along a circular track that is 300 meters long. Each of them moves with a constant speed, with all of their speeds being different. A photographer will be able to make a successful photograph of the cyclists, if all of them are on some part of the track which has a length of \(d\) meters. What is the smallest value of \(d\) for which the photographer will be able to make a successful photograph sooner or later?

It is known that a camera located at \(O\) cannot see the objects \(A\) and \(B\), where the angle \(AOB\) is greater than \(179^\circ\). 1000 such cameras are placed in a Cartesian plane. All of the cameras simultaneously take a picture. Prove that there will be a picture taken in which no more than 998 cameras are visible.

Two identical gears have 32 teeth. They were combined and 6 pairs of teeth were simultaneously removed. Prove that one gear can be rotated relative to the other so that in the gaps in one gear where teeth were removed the second gear will have whole teeth.