
Found: 4

There are one hundred natural numbers, they are all different, and sum up to 5050. Can you find those numbers? Are they unique, or is there another bunch of such numbers?

For each pair of real numbers \(a\) and \(b\), consider the sequence of numbers \(p_n = \lfloor 2 \{an + b\}\rfloor\). Any \(k\) consecutive terms of this sequence will be called a word. Is it true that any ordered set of zeros and ones of length \(k\) is a word of the sequence given by some \(a\) and \(b\) for \(k = 4\); when \(k = 5\)?

Note: \(\lfloor c\rfloor\) is the integer part, \(\{c\}\) is the fractional part of the number \(c\).

We consider a sequence of words consisting of the letters “A” and “B”. The first word in the sequence is “A”, the \(k\)-th word is obtained from the \((k-1)\)-th by the following operation: each “A” is replaced by “AAB” and each “B” by “A”. It is easy to see that each word is the beginning of the next, thus obtaining an infinite sequence of letters: AABAABAAABAABAAAB...

a) Where in this sequence will the 1000th letter “A” be?

b) Prove that this sequence is non-periodic.