
Found: 5

A strange wonderland creature is called a painting chameleon. If the queen puts the painting chameleon on a chess-like board then he moves one square at a time along the board either horizontally or vertically. When he moves, he either changes his colour to the colour of the square he moves to, or he paints the square he moves to into his own colour. The queen puts a white painting chameleon on an all-black board \(8\times8\) and orders the chameleon to paint the board into a chessboard. Can he succeed?

We are given a convex 200-sided polygon in which no three diagonals intersect at the same point. Each of the diagonals is coloured in one of 999 colours. Prove that there is some triangle inside the polygon whose sides lie some of the diagonals, so that all 3 sides are the same colour. The vertices of the triangle do not necessarily have to be the vertices of the polygon.

\(N\) points are given, no three of which lie on one line. Each two of these points are connected by a segment, and each segment is coloured in one of the \(k\) colours. Prove that if \(N > \lfloor k!e\rfloor\), then among these points one can choose three such that all sides of the triangle formed by them will be colored in one colour.

10 children were each given a bowl with 100 pieces of pasta. However, these children did not want to eat and instead started to play. One of the children started to place one piece of pasta into every other child’s bowl. What is the least amount of transfers needed so that everyone has a different number of pieces of pasta in their bowl?

Given an endless piece of chequered paper with a cell side equal to one. The distance between two cells is the length of the shortest path parallel to cell lines from one cell to the other (it is considered the path of the center of a rook). What is the smallest number of colors to paint the board (each cell is painted with one color), so that two cells, located at a distance of 6, are always painted with different colors?