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In the king’s prison, there are five cells numbered from 1 to 5. In each cell, there is one prisoner. Kristen persuaded the king to conduct an experiment: on the wall of each cell she writes at one point a number and at midnight, each prisoner will go to the cell with the indicated number (if the number on the wall coincides with the cell number, the prisoner does not go anywhere). On the following night at midnight, the prisoners again must move from their cell to another cell according to the instructions on the wall, and they do this for five nights. If the location of prisoners in the cells for all six days (including the first) is never repeated, then Kristen will be given the title of Wisdom, and the prisoners will be released. Help Kristen write numbers in the cells.

One day, Claudia, Sofia and Freia noticed that they brought the same toy cars to kindergarten. Claudia has a car with a trailer, a small car and a green car without a trailer. Sofia has a car without a trailer and a small green one with a trailer, and Freia has a big car and a small blue car with a trailer. What kind of car (in terms of colour, size and availability of a trailer) did all of the girls bring to the kindergarten? Explain the answer.

The \(KUB\) is a cube. Prove that the ball, \(CIR\), is not a cube. (\(KUB\) and \(CIR\) are three-digit numbers, where different letters denote different numbers).

Can I replace the letters with numbers in the puzzle \(RE \times CTS + 1 = CE \times MS\) so that the correct equality is obtained (different letters need to be replaced by different numbers, and the same letters must correspond to the same digits)?

Pinocchio correctly solved a problem, but stained his notebook. \[(\bullet \bullet + \bullet \bullet+1)\times \bullet= \bullet \bullet \bullet\]

Under each blot lies the same number, which is not equal to zero. Find this number.

Four people discussed the answer to a task.

Harry said: “This is the number 9”.

Ben: “This is a prime number.”

Katie: “This is an even number.”

And Natasha said that this number is divisible by 15.

One boy and one girl answered correctly, and the other two made a mistake. What is the actual answer to the question?

Peter recorded an example of an addition on a board, after which he replaced some digits with letters, with the same figures being replaced with the same letters, and different figures with different letters. He did it such that he was left with the sum: \(CROSS + 2011 = START\). Prove that Peter made a mistake.

Four numbers (from 1 to 9) have been used to create two numbers with four-digits each. These two numbers are the maximum and minimum numbers, respectively, possible. The sum of these two numbers is equal to 11990. What could the two numbers be?

Four children said the following about each other.

Mary: Sarah, Nathan and George solved the problem.

Sarah: Mary, Nathan and George didn’t solve the problem.

Nathan: Mary and Sarah lied.

George: Mary, Sarah and Nathan told the truth.

How many of the children actually told the truth?

Matt, Conrad and Louie ate some sweets. Their surnames are Smith, Jones and Cooper. Smith ate 2 sweets fewer than Matt, Jones – 2 sweets fewer than Conrad, and Conrad ate more than anyone. Which of them has which last name?