
Found: 320

In the lower left corner of an 8 by 8 chessboard is a chip. Two in turn move it one cell up, right or right-up diagonally. The one who puts the chip in the upper right corner wins. Who will win in a regular game?

a) There are 10 coins. It is known that one of them is fake (by weight, it is heavier than the real ones). How can you determine the counterfeit coin with three weighings on scales without weights?

b) How can you determine the counterfeit coin with three weighings, if there are 27 coins?

Several guests are sitting at a round table. Some of them are familiar with each other; mutually acquainted. All the acquaintances of any guest (counting himself) sit around the table at regular intervals. (For another person, these gaps may be different.) It is known that any two have at least one common acquaintance. Prove that all guests are familiar with each other.

On the selection to the government of the planet of liars and truth tellers \(12\) candidates gave a speech about themselves. After a while, one said: “before me only once did someone lie” Another said: “And now-twice.” “And now – thrice” – said the third, and so on until the \(12\)th, who said: “And now \(12\) times someone has lied.” Then the presenter interrupted the discussion. It turned out that at least one candidate correctly counted how many times someone had lied before him. So how many times have the candidates lied?

A family went to the bridge at night. The dad can cross it in 1 minute, the mum in 2 minutes, the child in 5 minutes, and the grandmother in 10 minutes. They have one flashlight. The bridge only withstands two people. How can they cross the bridge in 17 minutes? (If two people cross, then they pass with the lower of the two speeds. They cannot pass along the bridge without a flashlight. They cannot shine the light from afar. They cannot carry anyone in their arms. They cannot throw the flashlight.)

Several stones weigh 10 tons together, each weighing not more than 1 ton.

a) Prove that this load can be taken away in one go on five three-ton trucks.

b) Give an example of a set of stones satisfying the condition for which four three-ton trucks may not be enough to take the load away in one go.

Every evening Ross arrives at a random time to the bus stop. Two bus routes stop at this bus stop. One of the routes takes Ross home, and the other takes him to visit his friend Rachel. Ross is waiting for the first bus and depending on which bus arrives, he goes either home or to his friend’s house. After a while, Ross noticed that he is twice as likely to visit Rachel than to be at home. Based on this, Ross concludes that one of the buses runs twice as often as the other. Is he right? Can buses run at the same frequency when the condition of the task is met? (It is assumed that buses do not run randomly, but on a certain schedule).

The planet has \(n\) residents, some are liars and some are truth tellers. Each resident said: “Among the remaining residents of the island, more than half are liars.” How many liars are on the island?

A traveller who came to the planet hired a local as a guide. They went for a walk and saw another alien. The traveller sent the guide to find out to whether this native is a liar or truth teller. The guide returned and said: “The native says that they are a truth teller.” Who was the guide: a liar or a truth teller?

Three people are talking at dinner: Greyson, Blackburne and Reddick. The black-haired person told Greyson: “It is curious that one of us is grey-haired, the other is black-haired, and the third is red-haired, but no one has hair colour that matches their surname.” What colour hair does each of the men chatting have?