
Found: 320

In the government of the planet of liars and truth tellers there are \(101\) ministers. In order to reduce the budget, it was decided to reduce the number of ministers by \(1.\) But each of the ministers said that if they were to be removed from the government, then the majority of the remaining ministers would be liars. How many truth tellers and how many liars are there in the government?

Of 11 balls, 2 are radioactive. For any set of balls in one check, you can find out if there is at least one radioactive ball in it (but you cannot tell how many of them are radioactive). Is it possible to find both radioactive balls in 7 checks?

Someone arranged a 10-volume collection of works in an arbitrary order. We call a “disturbance” a situation where there are two volumes for which a volume with a large number is located to the left. For this volume arrangement, we call the number \(S\) the number of all of the disturbances. What values can \(S\) take?

There are 18 sweets in one piles, and 23 in another. Two play a game: in one go one can eat one pile of sweets, and the other can be divided into two piles. The loser is one who cannot make a move, i.e. before this player’s turn there are two piles of sweets with one sweet in each. Who wins with a regular game?

The following text is obtained by encoding the original message using Caesar Cipher.


The following text is also obtained from the same original text:


Father Christmas has an infinite number of sweets. A minute before the New Year, Father Christmas gives some children 100 sweets, while the Snow Maiden takes one sweet from them. Within half a minute before the New Year, Father Christmas gives the children 100 more sweets, and the Snow Maiden again takes one sweet. The same is repeated for 15 seconds, for 7.5 seconds, etc. until the new Year. Prove that the Snow Maiden will be able to take away all the sweets from the children by the New Year.

A cryptogram is given:

Restore the numerical values of the letters under which all of the equalities are valid, if different letters correspond to different digits. Arrange the letters in order of increasing numerical value and to find the required string of letters.

Let \(x\) be a natural number. Among the statements:

\(2x\) is more than 70;

\(x\) is less than 100;

\(3x\) is greater than 25;

\(x\) is not less than 10;

\(x\) is greater than 5;

three are true and two are false. What is \(x\)?

The key of the cipher, called the “lattice”, is a rectangular stencil of size 6 by 10 cells. In the stencil, 15 cells are cut out so that when applied to a rectangular sheet of paper of size 6 by 10, its cut-outs completely cover the entire area of the sheet in four possible ways. The letters of the string (without spaces) are successively entered into the cut-outs of the stencil (in rows, in each line from left to right) at each of its four possible positions. Find the original string of letters if, after encryption, the following text appeared in the sheet of paper


Each of the three axes has one rotating pin and a fixed arrow. The gears are connected in series. On the first gear there are 33 teeth, on the second – 10, on the third – 7. On each tooth of the first gear one symbol or letter of the following string of letters and symbols is written in the clockwise direction in the following order:

A B V C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z ! ? \(>\) \(<\) $ £ €

On the teeth of the second and third gears in increasing order the numbers 0 to 9 and 0 to 6 are written respectively in a clockwise direction. When the arrow of the first axis points to a letter, the arrows of the other two axes point to numbers.

The letters and symbols of the message are encrypted in sequence. Encryption is performed by rotating the first gear anti-clockwise until the first possible letter or symbol that can be encrypted is landed on by the arrow. At this point, the numbers indicated by the second and third arrows are consistently written out. At the beginning of the encryption, the 1st wheel points to the letter A, and the arrows of the 2nd and 3rd wheels to the number 0.

Encrypt the Slavic name OLIMPIADA.