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Manraj wrote down a fraction, then he added 1 to the nominator and 100 to the denominator of the fraction. Could it be that the new fraction is bigger than the original one?

There are 10 strongman and 10 acrobats performing in a circus. At the beginning of the performance each strongman carried an acrobat to the arena, and at the end of the performance each acrobat carried a strongman offstage. It is known that each strongman carried an acrobat who weighed less than himself. Could it be that

(a) each acrobat carried a strongman lighter than himself? (b) there were nine acrobats each carrying a strongman lighter than himself?

The board of directors of a company consists of 4 people – one chairman and three ordinary members. The board has a meeting each month, where they decide on the amount of compensation each of them receives for serving on the board. According to the procedure the chairman proposes a new compensation scheme for all the members of the board, and all the members except the chairman vote for the new scheme subsequently. It is known that a member of the board votes for the scheme only if his/her compensation increases more or the same than everybody else’s, otherwise he/she votes against the scheme. The decisions are made according to majority rule. Can the chairman increase his/her compensation by 10 times, and simultaneously decrease every other member’s compensation by 10 times after several board meetings?

Is it possible to place several non-overlapping squares inside one big square with side length 1m if

(a) the sum of perimeters of smaller squares is equal to 100 m? (b) the sum of areas of smaller squares is equal to 100 m\(^2\)?

The seller with weights. With four weights the seller can weigh any integer number of kilograms, from 1 to 40 inclusive. The total mass of the weights is 40 kg. What are the weights available to the seller?

Two weighings. There are 7 coins which are identical on the surface, including 5 real ones (all of the same weight) and 2 counterfeit coins (both of the same weight, but lighter than the real ones). How can you find the 3 real coins with the help of two weighings on scales without weights?

We are looking for the correct statement. In a notebook one hundred statements are written:

1) There is exactly one false statement in this notebook.

2) There are exactly two false statements in this notebook.


100) There are exactly one hundred false statements in this notebook.

Which of these statements is true, if it is known that only one is true?

Solve the rebus \(AC \times CC \times K = 2002\) (different letters correspond to different integers and vice versa).

Can the equality \(K \times O \times T\) = \(U \times W \times E \times H \times S \times L\) be true if instead of the letters in it we substitute integers from 1 to 9 (different letters correspond to different numbers)?

Rebus. Solve the numerical rebus \(AAAA-BBB + SS-K = 1234\) (different letters correspond to different numbers, but the same letters each time correspond to the same numbers)