
Found: 62

A snail climbs a 10-meter high tree. In day time the snail manages to climb 4 meters, but slips down 3 meters during the night time. How long would it take the snail to reach the top of the tree if it started the journey on a Monday morning?

Multiplication of numbers. Restore the following example of the multiplication of natural numbers if it is known that the sum of the digits of both factors is the same.


There are 6 locked suitcases and 6 keys to them. At the same time, it is not known to which suitcase each key fits. What is the smallest number of attempts you need to make in order to open all the suitcases for sure? And how many attempts will it take there are not 6 but 10 keys and suitcases?

Decipher the following rebus (see the figure). Despite the fact that only two figures are known here, and all others are replaced by asterisks, the example can be restored.


Three people A, B, C counted a bunch of balls of four colors (see table).


Each of them correctly distinguished some two colors, and confused the numbers of the other two colours: one mixed up the red and orange, another – orange and yellow, and the third – yellow and green. The results of their calculations are given in the table.

How many balls of each colour actually were there?

A family went to the bridge at night. The dad can cross over it in 1 minute, the mom can cross it in 2, the child takes 5 minutes, and grandmother in 10 minutes. They have one flashlight. The bridge can only withstands two people at a time. How can they all cross the bridge in 17 minutes? (If two people pass, then they go at the lower of their speeds.) You can not move along a bridge without a flashlight. You can not shine it from a distance.

Three hedgehogs divided three pieces of cheese of mass of 5g, 8g and 11g. The fox began to help them. It can cut off and eat 1 gram of cheese from any two pieces at the same time. Can the fox leave the hedgehogs equal pieces of cheese?

On the island of Contrast, both knights and liars live. Knights always tell the truth, liars always lie. Some residents said that the island has an even number of knights, and the rest said that the island has an odd number of liars. Can the number of inhabitants of the island be odd?

There is a rectangular table. Two players start in turn to place on it one pound coin each, so that these coins do not overlap one another. The player who cannot make a move loses. Who will win with the correct strategy?