
Found: 3

Jane wrote another number on the board. This time it was a two-digit number and again it did not include digit 5. Jane then decided to include it, but the number was written too close to the edge, so she decided to t the 5 in between the two digits. She noticed that the resulting number is 11 times larger than the original. What is the sum of digits of the new number?

a) Find the biggest 6-digit integer number such that each digit, except for the two on the left, is equal to the sum of its two left neighbours.

b) Find the biggest integer number such that each digit, except for the rst two, is equal to the sum of its two left neighbours. (Compared to part (a), we removed the 6-digit number restriction.)

On the selection to the government of the planet of liars and truth tellers \(12\) candidates gave a speech about themselves. After a while, one said: “before me only once did someone lie” Another said: “And now-twice.” “And now – thrice” – said the third, and so on until the \(12\)th, who said: “And now \(12\) times someone has lied.” Then the presenter interrupted the discussion. It turned out that at least one candidate correctly counted how many times someone had lied before him. So how many times have the candidates lied?