
Found: 4

Colour the plane in red, green and blue in such a way that every line consists of points of at most two colours. Remember that you have to use all three colours.

I don’t know how the figure below can be made of several \(1\times5\) rectangles which do not overlap. I am willing to pay \(1\) pound if you show me a possible way of doing that which I have not seen before. What is the maximal amount of money a person can earn by solving this problem?

a) What is the answer in case we are asked to split the figure below into \(1\times4\) rectangles instead of \(1\times5\) rectangles?

(b) In the context of Example 1 what is the answer in case we are asked to split the figure into \(1\times7\) rectangles instead of \(1\times5\) rectangles?

A \(7 \times 7\) square was tiled using \(1 \times 3\) rectangular blocks. One of the squares has not been covered. Which one can it be?