
Found: 759

Before the start of the Olympics, the price of hockey pucks went up by 10%, and after the end of the Olympics they fell by 10%.

When were the pucks more expensive – before the price rise or after the fall?

Write the first 10 prime numbers in a line. How can you remove 6 digits to get the largest possible number?

In one move, it is permitted to either double a number or to erase its last digit. Is it possible to get the number 14 from the number 458 in a few moves?

Six chess players participated in a tournament. Each two participants of the tournament played one game against each other. How many games were played? How many games did each participant play? How many points did the chess players collect all together?

Is it possible to fill a \(5 \times 5\) table with numbers so that the sum of the numbers in each row is positive and the sum of the numbers in each column is negative?

The distance between Athos and Aramis, galloping along one road, is 20 leagues. In an hour Athos covers 4 leagues, and Aramis – 5 leagues.

What will the distance between them be in an hour?

Pinocchio and Pierrot were racing. Pierrot ran the entire race at the same speed, and Pinocchio ran half the way two times faster than Pierrot, and the second half twice as slow as Pierrot. Who won the race?