
Found: 759

Ten people wanted to found a club. To do this, they need to collect a certain amount of entrance fees. If the organizers were five people more, then each of them would have to pay £100 less. How much money did each one pay?

A cube with a side of 1 m was sawn into cubes with a side of 1 cm and they were in a row (along a straight line). How long was the line?

Burbot-Liman. Find the numbers that, when substituted for letters instead of the letters in the expression \(NALIM \times 4 = LIMAN\), fulfill the given equality (different letters correspond to different numbers, but identical letters correspond to identical numbers)

Seven nines written out in a series: 9 9 9 9 9 9 9. Put some “\(+\)” or “\(-\)” between some of them, so that the resultant expression equals 1989.

The tower clock chimes three times in 12 seconds. How long will six chimes last?

Are the sum and product odd or even for:

a) two even numbers?

b) two odd numbers?

c) an odd and an even number?