
Found: 57

A girl chose a 4-letter word and replaced each letter with the corresponding number in the alphabet. The number turned out to be 2091425. What word did she choose?

One three-digit number consists of different digits that are in ascending order, and in its name all words begin with the same letter. The other three-digit number, on the contrary, consists of identical digits, but in its name all words begin with different letters. What are these numbers?

In one move, it is permitted to either double a number or to erase its last digit. Is it possible to get the number 14 from the number 458 in a few moves?

Find the largest six-digit number, for which each digit, starting with the third, is equal to the sum of the two previous digits.

Find the largest number of which each digit, starting with the third, is equal to the sum of the two previous digits.