
Found: 7

A maths teacher draws a number of circles on a piece of paper. When she shows this piece of paper to the young mathematician, he claims he can see only five circles. The maths teacher agrees. But when she shows the same piece of paper to another young mathematician, he says that there are exactly eight circles. The teacher confirms that this answer is also correct. How is that possible and how many circles did she originally draw on that piece of paper?

Three circles are constructed on a triangle, with the medians of the triangle forming the diameters of the circles. It is known that each pair of circles intersects. Let \(C_{1}\) be the point of intersection, further from the vertex \(C\), of the circles constructed from the medians \(AM_{1}\) and \(BM_{2}\). Points \(A_{1}\) and \(B_{1}\) are defined similarly. Prove that the lines \(AA_{1}\), \(BB_{1}\) and \(CC_{1}\) intersect at the same point.

There are 25 points on a plane, and among any three of them there can be found two points with a distance between them of less than 1. Prove that there is a circle of radius 1 containing at least 13 of these points.