
Found: 2619

Fred always tells the truth, but George always lies. What question could you ask them so that they would give the same answer?

Jemima always tells the truth, but when she was asked the same question twice, she gave different answers. What kind of question could this be?

1. A bagel is cut into sectors. Ten cuts were made. How many pieces did this make?

2. Woodchucks are sawing a log. They made 10 cuts. How many pieces were made? How can we explain why the answers in the previous two questions are different?

Are the sum and product odd or even for:

a) two even numbers?

b) two odd numbers?

c) an odd and an even number?

In a race between 6 athletes, Andrew falls behind Boris and two athletes finish between them. Vincent finished after Declan, but before George. Declan finished before Boris but after Eric. Which order did the athletes finish the race in?

One person says: “I’m a liar.” Is he a native of the island of knights and liars?

In the language of the Ancient Tribe, the alphabet consists of only two letters: M and O. Two words are synonyms, if one can be obtained by from the other by a) the deletion of the letters MO or OOMM, b) adding in any place the letter combination of OM. Are the words OMM and MOO synonyms in the language of the Ancient Tribe?

In a purse, there are 2 coins which make a total of 15 pence. One of them is not a five pence coin. What kind of coins are these?