
Found: 2540

Is it possible to cover a \(6 \times 6\) board with the \(L\)-tetraminos without overlapping? The pieces can be flipped and turned.

Is it possible to cover a \((4n+2) \times (4n+2)\) board with the \(L\)-tetraminos without overlapping for any \(n\)? The pieces can be flipped and turned.

Is it possible to cover a \(4n \times 4n\) board with the \(L\)-tetraminos without overlapping for any \(n\)? The pieces can be flipped and turned.

There are \(100\) people standing in line, and one of them is Arthur. Everyone in the line is either a knight, who always tells the truth, or a liar who always lies. Everyone except Arthur said, "There are exactly two liars between Arthur and me." How many liars are there in this line, if it is known that Arthur is a knight?

Draw how Robinson Crusoe should put pegs and ropes to tie his goat in order for the goat to graze grass in the shape of a square, or slightly harder in a shape of a given rectangle.

Draw how Robinson Crusoe should put pegs and ropes to tie his goat in order for the goat to graze grass in the shape of a parallelogram.

Draw how Robinson Crusoe should put pegs and ropes to tie his goat in order for the goat to graze grass in the shape of a shape like this

Draw how Robinson Crusoe should put pegs and ropes to tie his goat in order for the goat to graze grass in the shape of a given triangle.

Draw how Robinson Crusoe should put pegs and ropes to tie his goat in order for the goat to graze grass in the shape of a hexagon

Draw a picture how Robinson used to tie the goat and the wolf in order for the goat to graze the grass in the shape of half a circle.