
Found: 1001

When Gulliver came to Lilliput, he found that everything was exactly 12 times shorter than in his homeland. Can you say how many Lilliputian matchboxes fit into the matchbox of Gulliver?

A three-digit number \(ABB\) is given, the product of the digits of which is a two-digit number \(AC\) and the product of the digits of this number is \(C\) (here, as in mathematical puzzles, the digits in the numbers are replaced by letters where the same letters correspond to the same digits and different letters to different digits). Determine the original number.

Try to find all natural numbers which are five times greater than their last digit.

There is a 12-litre barrel filled with beer, and two empty kegs of 5 and 8 litres. Try using these kegs to:

a) divide the beer into two parts of 3 and 9 litres;

b) divide the beer into two equal parts.

A girl chose a 4-letter word and replaced each letter with the corresponding number in the alphabet. The number turned out to be 2091425. What word did she choose?

One three-digit number consists of different digits that are in ascending order, and in its name all words begin with the same letter. The other three-digit number, on the contrary, consists of identical digits, but in its name all words begin with different letters. What are these numbers?

Replace the question marks with the appropriate letters or words:

a) r, o, y, g, b, ?, ?;

b) a, c, f, j, ?, ?;

c) one, three, five, ?,

d) A, H, I, M, O, T, U, ?, ?, ?, ?;

e) o, t, t, f, f, s, s, e, ?, ?.

There are five chain links with 3 rings in each. What is the smallest number of rings that need to be unhooked and hooked together to connect these links into one chain?

In an apartment building in which there are only married couples with children, a population census was carried out. The person who conducted the census stated in the report: “There are more adults in the building than children. Each boy has a sister and there are more boys than girls. There are no childless families.” This report was incorrect. Why?

In the rebus in the diagram below, the arithmetic operations are carried out from left to right (even though the brackets are not written).

For example, in the first row "\(** \div 5 + * \times 7 = 4*\)" is the same as "\(((** \div 5) +*) \times 7 = 4*\)". Each number in the last row is the sum of the numbers in the column above it. The result of each \(n\)-th row is equal to the sum of the first four numbers in the \(n\)-th column. All of the numbers in this rebus are non-zero and do not begin with a zero, however they could end with a zero. That is, 10 is allowed but not 01 or 0. Solve the rebus.
