
Found: 1001

Professions of family members. In the Smith family there are 5 people: a husband, a wife, their son, a husband’s sister and the father of his wife. They all work. One is an engineer, another is a lawyer, the third is a mechanic, the fourth is an economist, the fifth is a teacher. Here’s what else is known about them. The lawyer and the teacher are not blood relatives. The mechanic is a good athlete. He followed in the footsteps of an economist and played football for the national team of the plant. The engineer is older than his brother’s wife, but younger than the teacher. The economist is older than the mechanic. What are the professions of each member of the Smith family?

Some girls are on a street. On the street, standing in a circle, four girls are talking: Janine, Mimi, Beatrix and Tash. A girl in a green dress (not Janine or Mimi) stands between a girl in a blue dress and Tash. A girl in a white dress is standing between a girl in a pink dress and Mimi. What dress is on each of the girls?

Burbot-Liman. Find the numbers that, when substituted for letters instead of the letters in the expression \(NALIM \times 4 = LIMAN\), fulfill the given equality (different letters correspond to different numbers, but identical letters correspond to identical numbers)

Everyone believed that the Dragon was one-eyed, two-eared, three-legged, four-nosed and five-headed. In fact, only four of these definitions form a certain pattern, and one is redundant. Which characteristic is unnecessary?

This problem is from Ancient Rome.

A rich senator died, leaving his wife pregnant. After the senator’s death it was found out that he left a property of 210 talents (an Ancient Roman currency) in his will as follows: “In the case of the birth of a son, give the boy two thirds of my property (i.e. 140 talents) and the other third (i.e. 70 talents) to the mother. In the case of the birth of a daughter, give the girl one third of my property (i.e. 70 talents) and the other two thirds (i.e. 140 talents) to the mother.”

The senator’s widow gave birth to twins: one boy and one girl. This possibility was not foreseen by the late senator. How can the property be divided between three inheritors so that it is as close as possible to the instructions of the will?

Seven nines written out in a series: 9 9 9 9 9 9 9. Put some “\(+\)” or “\(-\)” between some of them, so that the resultant expression equals 1989.

Fred always tells the truth, but George always lies. What question could you ask them so that they would give the same answer?

Jemima always tells the truth, but when she was asked the same question twice, she gave different answers. What kind of question could this be?