
Found: 1001

Five oaks are planted along two linear park alleys in such a way that there are three oaks along each alley, see picture. Where should we plant the sixth oak so that it will be possible to lay two more linear alleys, along each of which there would also be three oak trees growing?

Decipher the following puzzle. All the numbers indicated by the letter E, are even (not necessarily equal); all the numbers indicated by the letter O are odd (also not necessarily equal).


The smell of a flowering lavender plant diffuses through a radius of 20 m around it. How many lavender plants must be planted along a straight 400m path so that the smell of the lavender reaches every point on the path.

In a vase, there is a bouquet of 7 white and blue lilac branches. It is known that 1) at least one branch is white, 2) out of any two branches, at least one is blue. How many white branches and how many blue are there in the bouquet?

The angle at the top of a crane is \(20^{\circ}\). How will the magnitude of this angle change when looking at the crane with binoculars which triple the size of everything?

There are 68 coins, and it is known that any two coins differ in weight. With 100 weighings on a two-scales balance without weights, find the heaviest and lightest coin.

A cat tries to catch a mouse in labyrinths A, B, and C. The cat walks first, beginning with the node marked with the letter “K”. Then the mouse (from the node “M”) moves, then again the cat moves, etc. From any node the cat and mouse go to any adjacent node. If at some point the cat and mouse are in the same node, then the cat eats the mouse.

Can the cat catch the mouse in each of the cases A, B, C?


Two play a game on a chessboard \(8 \times 8\). The player who makes the first move puts a knight on the board. Then they take turns moving it (according to the usual rules), whilst you can not put the knight on a cell which he already visited. The loser is one who has nowhere to go. Who wins with the right strategy – the first player or his partner?

Two players in turn increase a natural number in such a way that at each increase the difference between the new and old values of the number is greater than zero, but less than the old value. The initial value of the number is 2. The winner is the one who can create the number 1987. Who wins with the correct strategy: the first player or his partner?

What is the minimum number of squares that need to be marked on a chessboard, so that:

1) There are no horizontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent marked squares.

2) Adding any single new marked square breaks rule 1.