
Found: 1445

A square area of size \(100\times 100\) is covered in tiles of size \(1\times 1\) in 4 different colours – white, red, black, and grey. No two tiles of the same colour touch one another, that is share a side or a corner. How many red tiles can there be?

In each square of a rectangular table of size \(M \times K\), a number is written. The sum of the numbers in each row and in each column, is 1. Prove that \(M = K\).

Is it possible to draw this picture (see the figure), without taking your pencil off the paper and going along each line only once?


One of five brothers baked a cake for their Mum. Alex said: “This was Vernon or Tom.” Vernon said: “It was not I and not Will who did it.” Tom said: “You’re both lying.” David said: “No, one of them told the truth, and the other was lying.” Will said: “No David, you’re wrong.” Mum knows that three of her sons always tell the truth. Who made the cake?

In a certain realm there are magicians, sorcerers and wizards. The following is known about them: firstly, not all magicians are sorcerers, and secondly, if the wizard is not a sorcerer, then he is not a magician. Is it true that not all magicians are wizards?

A traveller on the planet of liars and truth tellers met four people and asked them: “Who are you?”. They received the following answers:

  • 1st: “We are all liars.”

  • 2nd: “Among us is exactly one liar.”

  • 3rd: “Among us there are two liars.”

  • 4th: “I have never lied and I’m not lying”.

The traveller quickly realised who the fourth resident was. How did they do it?

In the lower left corner of an 8 by 8 chessboard is a chip. Two in turn move it one cell up, right or right-up diagonally. The one who puts the chip in the upper right corner wins. Who will win in a regular game?

a) There are 10 coins. It is known that one of them is fake (by weight, it is heavier than the real ones). How can you determine the counterfeit coin with three weighings on scales without weights?

b) How can you determine the counterfeit coin with three weighings, if there are 27 coins?

Find a natural number greater than one that occurs in the Pascal triangle a) more than three times; b) more than four times.

Prove there are no integer solutions for the equation \(3x^2 + 2 = y^2\).