
Found: 1445

A raisin bag contains 2001 raisins with a total weight of 1001 g, and no raisin weighs more than 1.002 g.

Prove that all the raisins can be divided onto two scales so that they show a difference in weight not exceeding 1 g.

Three people are talking at dinner: Greyson, Blackburne and Reddick. The black-haired person told Greyson: “It is curious that one of us is grey-haired, the other is black-haired, and the third is red-haired, but no one has hair colour that matches their surname.” What colour hair does each of the men chatting have?

Of 11 balls, 2 are radioactive. For any set of balls in one check, you can find out if there is at least one radioactive ball in it (but you cannot tell how many of them are radioactive). Is it possible to find both radioactive balls in 7 checks?

One and a half diggers dig for a half hour and end up having dug half a pit. How many pits will two diggers dig in two hours?

Find the first 99 decimal places in the number expansion of \((\sqrt{26} + 5)^{99}\).

Someone arranged a 10-volume collection of works in an arbitrary order. We call a “disturbance” a situation where there are two volumes for which a volume with a large number is located to the left. For this volume arrangement, we call the number \(S\) the number of all of the disturbances. What values can \(S\) take?

Each of the three cutlets should be fried in a pan on both sides for five minutes each side. Only two cutlets can fit onto the frying pan. Is it possible to fry all three cutlets more quickly than in 20 minutes (if the time to turn over and transfer the cutlets is neglected)?

There are 18 sweets in one piles, and 23 in another. Two play a game: in one go one can eat one pile of sweets, and the other can be divided into two piles. The loser is one who cannot make a move, i.e. before this player’s turn there are two piles of sweets with one sweet in each. Who wins with a regular game?

In a communication system consisting of 2001 subscribers, each subscriber is connected with exactly \(n\) others. Determine all the possible values of \(n\).