
Found: 1445

A car registration number consists of three letters of the Russian alphabet (that is, 30 letters are used) and three digits: first we have a letter, then three digits followed by two more letters. How many different car registration numbers are there?

A passenger left his things in an automatic storage room, and when he came to get his things, it turned out that he had forgotten the code. He only remembers that in the code there were the numbers 23 and 37. To open the room, you need to correctly type a five-digit number. What is the least number of codes you need to sort through in order to open the room for sure?

We call a natural number “fancy”, if it is made up only of odd digits. How many four-digit “fancy” numbers are there?

A rectangular table is given, in each cell of which a real number is written, and in each row of the table the numbers are arranged in ascending order. Prove that if you arrange the numbers in each column of the table in ascending order, then in the rows of the resulting table, the numbers will still be in ascending order.

Show that any natural number \(n\) can be uniquely represented in the form \(n = \binom{x}{1} + \binom{y}{2} + \binom{z}{3}\) where \(x, y, z\) are integers such that \(0 \leq x < y < z\), or \(0 = x = y < z\).

Each side in the triangle \(ABC\) is divided into 8 equal segments. How many different triangles exist with the vertices at the points of division (the points \(A\), \(B\), \(C\) cannot be the vertices of triangles) in which neither side is parallel to either side of the triangle \(ABC\)?

How many integers are there from 1 to 1,000,000, which are neither full squares, nor full cubes, nor numbers to the fourth power?

Consider a chess board of size \(n \times n\). It is required to move a rook from the bottom left corner to the upper right corner. You can move only up and to the right, without going into the cells of the main diagonal and the one below it. (The rook is on the main diagonal only initially and in the final moment in time.) How many possible routes does the rook have?

Tickets cost 50 cents, and \(2n\) buyers stand in line at a cash register. Half of them have one dollar, the rest – 50 cents. The cashier starts selling tickets without having any money. How many different orders of people can there be in the queue, such that the cashier can always give change?